Reducing VRAM Footprint in PPO and GRPO Using Selective Log-Softmax

Slash VRAM usage by half when computing log probs by selectively applying log-softmax only to tokens of interest

February 6, 2025

When training language models, we often need to convert logits (raw model outputs) into log probabilities. The standard approach uses log_softmax which requires computing probabilities for every token in the vocabulary at every position in the sequence. For large vocabulary sizes, this can consume significant VRAMVRAM is a GPU’s fast, onboard memory. VRAM is the main bottleneck to training larger models on a fixed number of GPUs. It is also a bottleneck on batch size, which affects training throughput and stability.. This is the code you might see:

def naive_selective_log_softmax(logits, index):
    logprobs = logits.log_softmax(dim=-1)  # shape: (batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size)
    return torch.gather(logprobs, dim=-1, index=index.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)

For example, with a modest vocabulary size of 32768, sequence length of 1024, and batch size of 16, computing log_softmax naively can consume 2.1GB of VRAM! And that is in addition to the 2.1GB required to hold the logits in the first place. However, in many cases, we only need the log probabilities for specific tokens - usually the ones that were actually generated or appear in the training data.

This optimization is especially valuable for reinforcement learning algorithms like PPO and GRPO that fine-tune language models. These methods only require log probabilities for the tokens that were actually generated in the model’s output, not for every possible token in the vocabulary. Additionally, for a typical implementation of one of these algorithms, peak VRAM consumption occurs from materializing these log probabilities! So optimizingTo jump to the optimized solution, click here. this operation can directly allow us to train with a larger batch size.

Let’s remind ourselves what log_softmax is actually computing for every input logit xix_i:

logsoftmax(xi)=log(exij=1nexj)=log(exi)log(j=1nexj)=xilogj=1nexj\log \text{softmax}(x_i) = \log\left(\frac{e^{x_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^n e^{x_j}}\right) \\ = \log(e^{x_i}) - \log\left(\sum_{j=1}^n e^{x_j}\right) \\ = x_i - \log \sum_{j=1}^n e^{x_j}

Essentially it is just taking every individual logit and subtracting the logsumexp over the full logit distribution.

We can optimize this by:

  1. Computing the logsumexp values over the full logit distribution
  2. Gathering just the logits for the tokens we care about
  3. Subtracting the logsumexp values from our gathered logits to get the final log probabilities

Here’s what this looks like in code:

def selective_log_softmax_take1(logits, index):
    logsumexp_values = torch.logsumexp(logits, dim=-1)  # shape: (batch_size, seq_len)
    token_logits = torch.gather(logits, dim=-1, index=index.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)  # shape: (batch_size, seq_len)
    token_logprobs = token_logits - logsumexp_values  # shape: (batch_size, seq_len)
    return token_logprobs

On the surface, it looks like this should decrease the memory requirements of the selective log-softmax operation — we are now only outputting tensors of size batch_size * sequence_length rather than batch_size * sequence_length * vocab_size. However, there is a catch. Internally, torch.logsumexp() allocates a tensor of size batch_size * sequence_length * vocab_size in order to exponentiate the logits. So, unfortunately, our peak memory consumption has not decreased at all.

What can we do to improve this situation?

Well, we could just compute the logsumexp values one-by-one for each sequence in the batch. That would mean that torch.logsumexp() only materializes a sequence_length * vocab_size tensor internally.

def selective_log_softmax_take2(logits, index):
    logsumexp_values = torch.stack([torch.logsumexp(l, dim=-1) for l in logits])
    token_logits = torch.gather(logits, dim=-1, index=index.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
    token_logprobs = token_logits - logsumexp_values
    return token_logprobs

This approach should effectively reduce peak memory usage by only allocating tensors that are proportional to batch_size * sequence_length and sequence_length * vocab_size rather than batch_size * sequence_length * vocab_size.

Lets run a benchmark to see if we are correct. We’ll also include the following ablation that simply computes log_softmax in a loop over the batch dimension.

def selective_log_softmax_ablation1(logits, index):
    token_logprobs = []
    for logits_row, index_row in zip(logits, index):
        logprobs_row = logits_row.log_softmax(dim=-1)  # (seq_len, vocab_size)
        token_logprobs_row = torch.gather(logprobs_row, dim=-1, index=index_row.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
    return torch.stack(token_logprobs)

Here is the benchmark script:

import time
import torch

def measure_memory_and_time(func, logits, index, n_runs=100):
    result = func(logits, index)
    mem_peak = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated()
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    for _ in range(n_runs):
        func(logits, index)
    avg_time = (time.perf_counter() - start_time) / n_runs
    return result, avg_time, mem_peak

# Simulated data
vocab_size = 32768
seq_len = 1024
batch_size = 16

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
logits = torch.randn(batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size, device=device, dtype=torch.float32)
index = torch.randint(0, vocab_size, (batch_size, seq_len), device=device)
logit_mem = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated()

# Run all methods
naive_result, naive_time, naive_mem = measure_memory_and_time(naive_selective_log_softmax, logits, index)
take1_result, take1_time, take1_mem = measure_memory_and_time(selective_log_softmax_take1, logits, index)
take2_result, take2_time, take2_mem = measure_memory_and_time(selective_log_softmax_take2, logits, index)
ablation1_result, ablation1_time, ablation1_mem = measure_memory_and_time(selective_log_softmax_ablation1, logits, index)

# Check equivalence
print("Logits Dtype:", logits.dtype)
print("Max absolute difference (naive and take1):", (naive_result - take1_result).abs().max().item())
print("Max absolute difference (naive and take2):", (naive_result - take2_result).abs().max().item())
print("Max absolute difference (naive and ablation1):", (naive_result - ablation1_result).abs().max().item())
print("Memory consumed by logits: {:.2f} MB".format(logit_mem / 1e6))
print("Naive method time:      {:.6f} sec, Memory peak: {:.2f} MB".format(naive_time, naive_mem / 1e6))
print("Take1 method time:      {:.6f} sec, Memory peak: {:.2f} MB".format(take1_time, take1_mem / 1e6))
print("Take2 method time:      {:.6f} sec, Memory peak: {:.2f} MB".format(take2_time, take2_mem / 1e6))
print("Ablation1 method time:  {:.6f} sec, Memory peak: {:.2f} MB".format(ablation1_time, ablation1_mem / 1e6))

Running this benchmarkMemory usage vs. vocabulary size. take1 is obscured by naive because they have the same memory requirements. Memory usage vs vocabulary size for different selective log softmax implementations script with logits stored in float32 gives the following output:

Logits Dtype: torch.float32
Max absolute difference (naive and take1): 1.9073486328125e-06
Max absolute difference (naive and take2): 1.9073486328125e-06
Max absolute difference (naive and ablation1): 0.0
Memory consumed by logits: 2147.61 MB
Naive method time:      0.000018 sec, Memory peak: 4295.16 MB
Take1 method time:      0.000965 sec, Memory peak: 4295.29 MB
Take2 method time:      0.012608 sec, Memory peak: 2282.03 MB
Ablation1 method time:  0.004153 sec, Memory peak: 2416.31 MB

In this benchmark setting, peak VRAM usage for this operation was reduced by 47% (from 4295MB to 2282MB) while maintaining numerical stability. And most of the memory consumed now is due to the size of the input logits (2147MB). The proposed method is notably slower than the naive method, although, in practice (for LLM post-training), the speed of this operation is not very consequential.

Ablation Analysis

One might note that the ablation method also only allocates tensors proportional to sequence_length * vocab_size, so why does it consume more memory than selective_log_softmax_take2? This is because of the gradient formulas for log_softmax() and logsumexp() require different intermediate values to be stored for the backward computation.

For log_softmax, the gradient formula is:

log_softmax(xi)xj=δijsoftmax(xj)\frac{\partial \text{log\_softmax}(x_i)}{\partial x_j} = \delta_{ij} - \text{softmax}(x_j)

For logsumexp, the gradient formula is:

logsumexp(x)xi=softmax(xi)\frac{\partial \text{logsumexp}(x)}{\partial x_i} = \text{softmax}(x_i)

For the backward pass through logsumexp, we need:

For the backward pass through log_softmax, we need:

So while both methods avoid allocating additional vocab_size-scale tensors during the forward pass, selective_log_softmax_ablation1 needs to store the full log_softmax output for the backward pass, leading to higher memory usage.

Numerical Stability

It is important to note that the selective_log_softmax_take2 is not numerically stable when logits are cast to bfloat16 or float16:

Logits Dtype: torch.bfloat16
Max absolute difference (naive and take1): 0.0625
Max absolute difference (naive and take2): 0.0625  # <- this is the issue
Max absolute difference (naive and ablation1): 0.0
Memory consumed by logits: 1073.87 MB
Naive method time:      0.000018 sec, Memory peak: 2147.65 MB
Take1 method time:      0.000474 sec, Memory peak: 2147.75 MB
Take2 method time:      0.005142 sec, Memory peak: 1141.11 MB
Ablation1 method time:  0.002016 sec, Memory peak: 1208.22 MB

Therefore, we should use selective_log_softmax_take2 when working with full precision (torch.float32 and torch.float64) tensors, and fall back to selective_log_softmax_ablation1 when using reduced precision (torch.bfloat16 and torch.float16) tensors to maintain accuracy.

Efficient Solution

The complete code snippet is as follows:

def selective_log_softmax(logits, index):
    """Compute log softmax probabilities for selected tokens.

        logits (`torch.Tensor`):
            Logits tensor of shape `(..., num_classes)`.
        index (`torch.Tensor`):
            Index tensor of shape `(...)`, specifying the positions to gather from the log-softmax output.
            Gathered log probabilities with the same shape as `index`.
    if logits.dtype in [torch.float32, torch.float64]:
        logsumexp_values = torch.stack([torch.logsumexp(lg, dim=-1) for lg in logits])  # loop to reduce peak mem consumption
        selected_logits = torch.gather(logits, dim=-1, index=index.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
        token_logprobs = selected_logits - logsumexp_values  # log_softmax(x_i) = x_i - logsumexp(x)
        # logsumexp approach is unstable with bfloat16, fall back to slightly less efficent approach
        token_logprobs = []
        for logits_row, index_row in zip(logits, index):  # loop to reduce peak mem consumption
            logprobs_row = logits_row.log_softmax(dim=-1)
            token_logprobs_row = torch.gather(logprobs_row, dim=-1, index=index_row.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
        token_logprobs = torch.stack(token_logprobs)
    return token_logprobs

I have contributed this optimization to several popular open-source RLHF libraries, including huggingface/TRL [PR 1, PR 2], OpenRLHF [PR 3], Verl [PR 4], and allenai/open-instruct [PR 5].

Here is the actual GPU memory usage on an RTX 4090 (24GB VRAM) before and after implementing selective log-softmax in TRL’s GRPOTrainer: Memory usage reduction from selective log-softmax in TRL

A 10% reduction in peak VRAM requirements is a great improvement for such a simple change!

A note on torch.compile

When using torch.compile(), PyTorch will attempt to fuse operations and generate optimized CUDA kernels using Triton. For our selective log-softmax implementation, this means PyTorch may be able to take the naive implementation and fuse the log_softmax and gather operations into a single kernel, potentially reducing memory consumption.

def compiled_selective_log_softmax(logits, index):
    logprobs = logits.log_softmax(dim=-1)
    return torch.gather(logprobs, dim=-1, index=index.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)

If we benchmark this method using torch==2.6.0 and triton==3.2.0, we see these results when logits are in float32:

Max absolute difference (naive and compiled): 9.5367431640625e-07
Compiled method time:  0.000073 sec, Memory peak: 2147.94 MB

And these results when logits are in bfloat16Interestingly, torch.compile generates a kernel that maintains exact numerical equivalence for half-precision dtypes.:

Max absolute difference (naive and compiled): 0.0
Compiled method time:  0.000129 sec, Memory peak: 1074.04 MB

Very impressive! This is both faster and more memory efficient than our hand-rolled solution, while being numerically stable. And the dynamic=True flag means that we shouldn’t need to recompile every time a new sequence length is used.

The only reason not to use this method is if you are in a setting where torch.compile usage is supposed to be enabled/disabled via a user-passed flag. Which is the case most open-source libraries that use torch. For your own projects, the compiled version is recommended!

Thanks to Quentin Gallouédec for providing the initial benchmarking script and suggesting to pull gather out of the loop over logsumexp to improve performance.